Our studio is temporarily closed for Altitude training.

High altitude training is a simple phenomenon which entails working out in a limited-oxygen environment. Exposure to such settings challenges the human body to produce the required amount of energy to perform exercise. Working out under such condition stimulates production of red blood cells and hence improved oxygen propagation through the body. The intended purpose is to ensure efficient use of the available amount of oxygen, which translates to enhanced stamina and explosive strength.
Since it’s not possible for every individual to access high altitude locations, Melbourne Altitude Training came up with an idea to change the equation for better. We have created simulated environment at our fitness centre so as to provide true feel of high altitude atmosphere, and the best part is that the system’s settings can be controlled and adjusted according to the individual needs. Once your body is trained to perform well under high altitude conditions, you’ll be amazed at your ability in a regular environment.

MAT is the vision of internationally acclaimed athlete, Ozgur Begen, who has proven track record in pole vaulting, weightlifting, gymnastics and other team sports. Ozgur is now a certified physical trainer, with more than 20 years of experience in coaching and training that include professional involvement and active participation at the University of Melbourne, Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) and Grand Hyatt Melbourne City Club.
Ozgur is driven by a passion to help individuals maximize their potential. His innovative approach to high altitude training has prodded aspirants of all ages into achieving their fitness goals with all their might. Ozgur’s majored in Applied Science and he uses his evidence-based approach and proven techniques to drive results for seekers.MAT is the brainchild of Ozgur’s dedication and zeal to open up the benefits of high altitude training to one and all.